Determining Reportable Segments

In order to determine which segments of a company's operations should be considered reportable, the company must consider several factors. These include the revenue test, the operating profit test, and the asset test.

  1. Revenue Test: A segment is reportable if it meets the revenue test, which states that a segment's revenue must be 10% or more of the combined revenue of all segments. Revenue includes inter-segment sales and transfers, and interest is included in the revenue test if the assets on which the interest is earned are included in that segment's identifiable assets.
  2. Operating Profit Test: A segment is reportable if it meets the operating profit test, which states that a segment's operating profit must be 10% or more of the combined operating profit of all segments. Operating profit is defined as a segment's revenue minus all operating expenses.
  3. Asset Test: A segment is reportable if it meets the asset test, which states that a segment's identifiable assets must be 10% or more of the combined identifiable assets of all segments. Identifiable assets are assets that can be clearly assigned to a specific segment

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